Word Support

Word Support

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  • While Microsoft Word does not offer live chat, they do have a phone number. In total, there are 2 ways to get in touch with them. The best phone number for Microsoft Word is their 800-642-7676 customer service phone number, and you can get the details and use our free call-back service by finding the link for it above and clicking it.
  • Accessibility support for Word. Keyboard shortcuts in Word. Use a screen reader to explore and navigate Word. Manage your Microsoft 365 subscription purchased through a third party. Still have questions? Please visit the Microsoft Community forum where users post about Word for iPad, or get live help from Answer Desk.

late 14c., 'to aid,' also 'to hold up, prop up, put up with, tolerate,' from Old French suporter 'to bear, endure, sustain, support' (14c.), from Latin supportare 'convey, carry, bring up, bring forward,' from assimilated form of sub 'up from under' (see sub-) + portare 'to carry,' from PIE root *per- (2) 'to lead, pass over.' Related: Supported; supporting.

support (n.)

late 14c., 'act of assistance, backing, help, aid,' from support (v.). Meaning 'that which supports, one who provides assistance, protection, backing, etc.' is early 15c. Sense of 'bearing of expense' is mid-15c. Physical sense of 'that which supports' is from 1560s. Meaning 'services which enable something to fulfil its function and remain in operation' (as in tech support) is from 1953.

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