Github Readme Youtube

Embed youtube video in GitHub; long term memory is a reliability model; UTC work request; Thunor, HTS screen; sensitivity of cancer cells, genomics; mass spec is a joint distribution; arcsinh transformation for negative values for log; t-SNE; Latex submission to BMC; colony counting; Vanderbilt cancer heterogeneity workshop; phage PIN. Did you know you can create a custom Github profile page? Well, it's as easy as creating a new repository and adding a ReadMe. In this video, I'll show you h.

Create simple, beautiful personal websites and landing pages using only R Markdown.


You can install Postcards with the following command:

Or you can install the latest development version:

Getting Started

Postcards includes four templates: Jolla, Jolla Blue, Trestles, and Onofre. Each site is optimized for being displayed on desktop and mobile. The goal of the package is to make it easy for anyone to create a single page personal website with one R Markdown document. I hope this package can quickly demonstrate the power and possibilities of the R and R Markdown ecosystem to newcomers.

To get started customizing one of these templates you should create a new project in RStudio. Once you open RStudio: select File, New Project…, then select New Directory, and Postcards Website. Then you will need to enter a directory name for your RStudio project and you can choose one of the templates from a drop down menu. Select Create Project after you choose a name for the folder that will contain your site. This folder will contain two important files: an R Markdown document with your site’s content, and a sample photo that you should replace.


If you are not using RStudio or if you do not wish to create a new RStudio project you can create the corresponding template files using the following commands:

To compile the self contained HTML file for your site, you can use the Knit button in RStudio or you can use rmarkdown::render('index.Rmd'). The HTML file can then be easily deployed to GitHub Pages or Netlify Drop.

The Templates


Jolla Blue




Most issues that people have using this package are related their installation Pandoc, software that R Markdown relies on. Currently Postcards works best with Pandoc version 2.8 or greater, although we are working on better functionality for earlier versions of Pandoc. You can check which version of Pandoc you have installed with the following command:

If you have an earlier version of Pandoc installed we recommend you install the latest version of Pandoc and then run the command:

If you do not see that the new Pandoc version has been installed, you may need to use RStudio and install the latest preview release of RStudio. If you are still encountering error messages after trying the above please open an issue.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the postcards project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

This is a simple liquid tag that helps to easily embed images, videos or slides from OEmbed enabled providers. It uses Magnus Holm's great oembed gem which connects to the OEmbed endpoint of the link's provider and retrieves the HTML code to embed the content properly (i.e. an in-place YouTube player, Image tag for Flickr, in-place slideshare viewer etc.). By default it supports the following OEmbed providers (but can fallback to or OoEmbed for other providers):

  • Youtube
  • Flickr
  • Viddler
  • Qik
  • Revision3
  • Hulu
  • Vimeo
  • Instagram
  • Slideshare
  • Yfrog
  • MlgTv

How to install

  1. Make sure you have the ruby-oembed gem (Rubygems, Github) installed.
  2. Copy oembed.rb to <your-jekyll-project>/_plugins
  3. You're done.

If you're experiencing troubles with Ruby 2.x, please also add require 'openssl' to the script.

How to use

Place a oembed tag in your content file. E.g.

The oembed tag behaves almost compatible to Robert Böhnke's Tag, i.e. it wraps the embed code in a <div> tag that has classes matching the embeds type, provider as well as the generic embed. In contrast to the tag, we don't support overriding certain oembed properties.


Tammo van Lessen --

Github Readme Profile

Author of max.width/height modification


Markus Konrad --


Github Readme Youtube Download

This code snippet is licensed under Apache License 2.0