Creating Flow With Omnifocus 3
Kourosh Dini, the author of Creating Flow with OmniFocus, takes us on a tour of his OmniFocus 3 workflows and demonstrates his Zen approach to productivity.
Kourosh literally wrote the book on OmniFocus. His critically acclaimed book, Creating Flow with OmniFocus, was originally published in 2009 and offers a wealth of practical advice to support people in using OmniFocus effectively.
Author of Creating Flow with OmniFocus, Taking Smart Notes with DEVONthink, and Creating Flow with OmniFocus 3. I've been looking at picking up Creating Flow with Omnifocus by Kourosh Dini, but was hesitant about picking up the new edition if I'm still using OF2 (non-pro version). I'm don't see myself upgrading to OF3 for at least a year since the dollar conversion for the upgrading iOS. May 27, 2020 New Book: Taking Smart Notes. Kourosh Dini, author of the excellent book Creating Flow with OmniFocus 3, has just released a brand new book: Taking Smart Notes with DEVONthink.Learn the basics of DEVONthink, build databases with the Zettelkasten method, and automate your workflows with scripts and macros that come with the book.
He just launched the third edition of his book, which has been updated to reflect the myriad of enhancements that came with OmniFocus 3 for Mac, iPhone and iPad, including multiple tags and advanced perspectives.
Session Overview
In this session, Kourosh takes us on a tour of his OmniFocus setup and workflows. He also covers some foundational workflow principles and models his Zen approach to life and work.
Omnifocus 4
His innovative approach includes a Navigation folder that helps draw his attention to those projects and actions that are most relevant and timely.
He manages to keep his system very clean and straight-forward, even though he often has a lot going on in his life. He emphasizes the benefits of making good use of keyboard shortcuts and internal links to OmniFocus projects, tags, and perspective. He also demonstrates practical ways he keeps lists short and simple, even when there are a lot of things vying for his attention.
About Kourosh Dini
Kourosh Dini, MD is a psychiatrist, productivity expert, author, and musician.
He works as a psychoanalyst in private practice in downtown Chicago. His award-winning productivity books include Creating Flow With OmniFocus, Being Productive, and Workflow Mastery.
Kourosh is featured on the Omni Group’s Inside OmniFocus site and was one of the speakers at the OmniFocus Setup event in 2013. He has also been a guest on the popular Mac Power Users and Free Agents podcasts.
Creating Flow With Omnifocus 3rd
Here are links to some of the things that Kourosh referenced:
- OmniFocus & Productivity — This website is home to Kourosh’s productivity books (Creating Flow with OmniFocus 3, Calm Focus, and Powerful Workflows) and blog.
- AppleScript: Go To Link — Kourosh makes good use of the Go To Link script that was written by Josh Hollington. He uses Keyboard Maestro to open links associated with actions and projects without having to take his hands off the keyboard. These links reference information within OmniFocus (e.g. a custom perspective or a project) and external references (e.g. a website).
- Zen and the Piano — Kourosh is an accomplished musician. If you’re looking for a musical soundtrack to help you stay calm and focused, check out his Zen and the Piano album. It’s available on iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Bandcamp, and Magnatune.
Creating Flow with OmniFocus has ratings and 26 reviews. Trey said: Amazingly precious and written for the very tightly wound todo-list making indivi. I think this is one of the best, if not the best, third party resource for OmniFocus 3. I am now almost finished with Volume 2 (of 5. Creating Flow with OmniFocus helps you to easily guide your work, play, and productivity throughout the days, weeks, and years using the strength of the.
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Wow, what a detailed book. Build a trusted system and get things off your mind. And the Running Projects was also troublesome.
Using OmniFocus | Productivity & Workflow Mastery
I liked theoretical part most because the UI details are deprecated. Quite an unusual reading for me but I was very interested into practicing and improving “Flow” after reading Csikszentmihaly’s books and it is definitely worth the time and practice because using Omnifocus to structure your flow capability development is working very well. And with responsibilities in two business and academic work I’ve a complex enough professional live. Picked this up as a way to get into OF past attempts at setting up GTD or any coherent task system never stuck Can highly recommend – it eases you into things so you can get started right away and not be overwhelmed, and build upon that foundation.
The first part was all pragmatic, the detailed tools for building a system Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. The level of detail that he goes into on how to make a template project for leaving the house, for example, borders on the absurd.
I would suggest adding bits and pieces at first. Where the tickler is concerned, I don’t think it was explained very well at all.
Creating Flow with OmniFocus 3 : omnifocus
I listened to the author This book has been pretty massive for ommnifocus. Conclusion As a reference book, this will be invaluable to me as I learn the app.
If you want to get the most out of the app and are willing to put in the time and effort to do so, then you owe it to yourself to pick up this book. But it is extremely thorough and methodical, which are definitely assets. Mixed feelings on this one. I’ve completed half the book, decided to apply it, in my way, fo The most important rule about To-Do systems is to be simple.
Creating Flow with OmniFocus
Master the universals of workflows to build your own unique system. Download a demo, the first five modules, here.
So much is covered in that one section of the book: His medical omnitocus and residency in adult psychiatry were obtained through the University of Illinois at Chicago. It is my intention to use the app for a month or so, see how I can tweak it when I understand it better and then come back to those sections in the book again.
My interest was piqued once again.
For this price high for a book, omnifous for an ebook-only one I expect higher quality. Mar 12, Martin Dion rated it really liked it.
GIVEAWAY — Creating Flow with OmniFocus 3 AND MORE!
His workflows are very empathetic and put the human at the center. Abdur Rab rated it really liked it Oct 11, Trivia About Creating Flow wit So if you’d like something between GTD and the software manual with lots of great advice this is a good choice.
The book goes into a somewhat therapeutic angle towards the end with regards to how to maximize your time on earth to do what omnifocuss want to be doing and to make the world a better place.
Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Makes you think about how to better utilize your system. Sure, do it the first time, but after that, we already KNOW.
And he does do that, with explanations of procrastination and why we do it, that sort of thing. Apr 04, Angel Pradel rated it really liked it.