Alex Ward Vox
A beta-male writer for the left-wing publication Vox has written an article that trashes US Marines and, if that wasn’t classless enough in itself, he did it on Memorial Day. The beta-male’s name? Alex Ward.
Ward wrote an article titled “The Marine Corps has a Toxic Masculinity Problem.” Apparently, the ‘toxic masculinity’ Ward is referring to is related to a recent nude photo sharing scandal, and his assertion that the Marine Corps often “marginalizes or mistreats female troops.”
Are you serious?
By Alex Ward — Russia can’t seem to quit antagonizing the United States and its friends. In just the past year, the Kremlin hacked its way into the computer systems of the US government and Fortune 500 companies, interfered in the 2020 election, and amassed a large military force on Ukraine’s border. Alex Ward, Vox April 2, 2021. Read Full Article » Related Topics: Foreign Policy.
The scandal gave Ward and Vox all the ammo they needed to trash Marines, and to write about one of their obsessions – perceived sexism. But if you serve/served in another branch of our military, don’t worry. Ward thinks you suffer from the same ‘toxic masculinity:’
And to be fair, it’s not just the Marines. Sexual assault has increased in other services, and even in military academies. According to one Pentagon review, there were 6,172 reports of sexual assault last year.
Could it be that the progressive attempt at social engineering our military might not be going as wonderfully as those on the Left had hoped? It’s exactly masculinity that gives mighty fighting forces their muscle and determination.
The Left, including Vox, doesn’t get that. In their world, yes, we want to be able to defend ourselves and maybe even win wars. But not until our racism, sexism, Islamaphobia, gender equality, and whatever other terms they decide to invent, have been addressed and eliminated first. Good luck with that.
It’s hard to imagine the military’s of our forefathers, and whether they would have kicked ass as much as they did, had they had the ball and chain known as political correctness slowing them down.
Vox and Alex Ward are OK with that. Unable to accept that if it hadn’t been for the un-PC forces of our past, they wouldn’t even be able to publish the garbage they put out to the world today. Of course, because progressive women are usually more manly than progressive men, it’s easy to see how Ward feels threatened.
As we observe Memorial Day today, and remember the fallen who have paid for our freedom, it would be nice if the Left could show at least a little respect. Sadly, they just don’t get it.
Eric Zuesse
The neocon ‘journalist’ Alex Ward, at the neocon ‘news’-site, criticized U.S. President Donald Trump for having supposedly allowed Russian President Vladimir Putin to get away with 7 specific alleged bad things that Ward thinks Trump should have publicly lambasted Putin for during the joint Trump-Putin summit press conference that occurred on June 16th. But every one of Ward’s 7 accusations is actually factually dubious at best, and is unquestioningly accepting of the truthfulness of the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies. Is that behavior professional for a journalist to do — to unquestioningly accept as Truth a routinely lying government’s (in his case, the U.S. Government’s) account of international affairs?
Here is the core of Ward’s article, along with my own questions regarding each one, to Ward, on each of the seven points he raised — and I also question here each of the three allegations he made in his introduction:
Why Trump’s Putin meeting was worse than you think
It’s not just that Trump trashed America’s intelligence community [Alex, you trust the CIA on Kennedy’s assassination, or on Saddam’s WMD, or on what — and why?] — it’s that he did so while getting very little from Putin. [How do you know what was agreed-to at that secret meeting?]
By Alex Ward@AlexWardVox Jul 17, 2018, 12:50pm EDT
US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s press conference on Monday after their meeting in Helsinki was, by many accounts, a disaster.
But that’s not even the worst part.
Yes, Trump bashed America’s intelligence agencies while siding with Putin — and he received basically nothing in returnfor it. [How do you know? Did you interrogate the translators, to learn what the secret agreements were?]
Here’s what Putin “got” during his 45-minute press conference with Trump:
- He got recognitionon the world stage alongside the US president. [That’s not appropriate and customary for summits?]
- Trump didn’t criticize Putin for interfering in the 2016 US presidential election, or in European allies’ elections [all of which are unproven allegations made by U.S. intelligence, which jiggered the evidence on ‘Saddam’s WMD’ so as to invade]
- Trump said Putin’s offer to send Russian government investigators to look into Moscow’s election hacking was “an interesting idea.” [Why isn’t it, and even if it weren’t, why should he have been hostile to Putin there — that would have been diplomatic?]
- Trump didn’t shame Putin for working with Iran to prop up Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and relentlessly bombing innocent civilians. [That links to a 4 Jan. 2018 article “Syria: Dozens of civilians killed in suspected Russian airstrikes” but what about the many U.S. bombings in Syria — and Russia is legally there, but the U.S. is not?]
- Trump didn’t push back on Putin’s invasion of Ukraine [you don’t mention Obama’s prior coup that seized Ukraine in February 2014 and installed racist-fascists who terrorized Crimeans] or annexation of Crimea in 2014 [which the Soviet dictator had arbitrarily transferred from Russia to Ukraine in 1954] or his attempt to take over Georgia in 2008. [No such thing as an ‘attempt to take over Georgia’ is documented there.]
- Trump didn’t condemn Russia for shooting down Malaysia Airlines Flight MH-17 in 2014 or Moscow’s apparent use of a deadly nerve agent in the UK this year. [No evidence is presented there that Russia did either of those; and all members of the Dutch-led committee that wrote the official report on MH-17 are U.S. allies and thus not to be trusted on the matter.]
- Putin made Trump look bad by refusing to deny he had “compromising material” on the American leader. [If Putin has compromising material on Trump, are you demanding that Putin say yes to that, or that Putin should have lied instead?]
That’s a lot of points on the board for Putin …
It seems to me that, on all ten of those hits by Ward against the abysmal Trump, Ward scores 0 — 0 for 10.
What does it say when a major ‘news’medium is so unquestioning as this, of its lying Government, just like had happened with the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, Fox ‘News’, etc., when this Government raped Iraq in 2003, Libya in 2011, Syria in 2012-, Ukraine in 2014, and Yemen now?
So, should Vox fire Alex Ward and the others like him? Or should the public fire such ‘news’media instead?
Alex Ward At Vox
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and ofCHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.